God of the summer

Before i share what happened today let me share something that i should have shared a month ago. I felt like God told me David i want to move in the summer. If it’s in the summer there is no doubt it’s me. I’m embarassed to say i haven’t shared that with anyone and yeah i’m thinking i shouldn’t post this until fall after what’s about to happen actually happens but there isn’t much faith in that now is there.

For those of you who are passive in the church during the summer months. I got one word for you. PATHETIC. God deserves our best all the time. Yes i said pathetic. God isn’t waiting for you in september he is waiting for you TODAY.

Yes i really believe God is going to dominate Rome (more on that is to come) with the gospel. He wants to dominate yours too.

Now for today. Attendance is suppose to be down in the summer months but God has said no not this time. WOW> I wish there were words to describe what happened but there isn’t.  I can’t even explain it if you were to ask me. God is. That pretty much settles it. God came down and worthy you are worthy oh God. He is the God of the summer and i’m stoked about what he is going to accomplish through us.

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