Microwave Theology

Thought while reading Francis Chan’s book Crazy Love. God ain’t no microwave so quit feeding him your leftovers. What’s the first thing you think of in the morning? Me it’s straight to make my coffee. God said David is that really what you gonna pick? Not saying this to be legalistic or anything but think about it. We give him or well i do anyways what’s leftover. Here God have my leftovers heat them up for me. But God says he can’t digest our leftovers. You know what good does it do for a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul. Thats what we are doing when we dont give God our best. Our best means our first. Nothing else comes first. If God can’t digest what we offer and he spits it out of his mouth then what is that called. Thats right we are his vomit. I dont want that so time to turn off the microwave and give him nothing but the best. I’m in are u

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