Bad News

Today i just got the news that a former coworker of mine had died of a heart attack on thanksgiving day of all days. I had just talked to him a few weeks ago. Last night i was talking to my friend Jodi about evangelism and how we make excuses for not doing it saying things like that’s not our gift but there is really no excuse. Back to my former coworker. How many times have i tried to share with him? I can cound on zero hands how many. That’s right i was more concerned about everything but his eternity. Where will he spend eternity? Well unless he got saved in the  2 weeks since i last spoke to him he is not in a better place. David  you idiot. So now is the time in the post where the light comes on and i share something encouraging right? Well actually no. This is where i ask you the question i’ve been asking myself all day. Why didn’t you tell him about Jesus? They are just waiting on us to share the amazing love of a God who is madly in love with them. If God has placed someone in your path who doesn’t know Jesus he did it on purpose. He wants you to share the love of God with them. Basically if we dont tell them about Jesus we are saying. GO TO HELL. So let’s get up off our butts and go tell the world.  I double dog dare you.

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