High as a kite

This week i had an awesome oppurtunity to be a part of a great move of God.  I took part in http://buyalittlemore.com/ . People were just crazy generous. We seen people at all parts of life going out of their way to help those less fortunate than they are. Now because of that some kid is gonna stand a chance to learn to write just cause he has something to write with and write on. We take for granted such things as this. Click here http://joshuajroberts.blogspot.com/2008/08/aftermath.html to learn more about the outcome. I feel it an honor to serve with such insane people who will do this

Am i really doing this at 4 am

Am i really doing this at 4 am

We were very tired after this event but don’t think we wouldn’t do it again in a heart beat. As Josh said it cost us $37.50 to pull this off. Yes you read that total right. So quit making excuses and get out their and reach out to people. Don’t do it to make yourself look good but to make the name of christ even more famous in your town. Can’t wait until December man that is gonna be off the charts.

For those who say small groups aren’t for you or they really don’t work. Well you never met my small groups. They are friggin’ crazy. Here is what they do at 6 am in a scissor lift.


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2 Responses to High as a kite

  1. Jodi says:

    Is it wrong that I just watched that video 3 times? I do love the Purple One. (le sigh) And honestly, at the very least, you must admit that my version was quite passionate if not on pitch. There’s something to be said for the acoustic factor of a parking lot.

  2. dstrickland says:

    Funny thats the only video of it i could find. Seems that the artist formerly known as a symbol has a lawsuit against youtube.

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