
Today i had planned on visiting Journey Church in Acworth but apparently God had other plans. Me and my wife watched Elevation Church from Charlotte online today. It’s been a long time since i’ve had a message still in my head come Sunday night as i type this. Pastor Steven Furtick taught about how to pray like a juggernaut. Several things really stuck out to me during this message and it is by far the best sermon on prayer i’ve ever heard. Not only was it biblical but it is doable. It will become a breakthrough in so many ways in my life. I will be doing a series on prayer at some point when i launch my new blog hopefully in the near future so i’m only going to mention briefly my take on this. We need to realize when we come before the Lord in prayer we are entering a King’s court. If you want to dress comfortable that’s fine but we need to remember who we are having a conversation with.

Sure be honest and transparent and tell God what’s really going on. If you are frustrated then by all means discuss this with him. But do it all respectfully and reverently. God is not a dude or a hey man. No he is the God of the universe and needs to be treated as such. He is worthy of our respect and needs to be given that honor. I know this is all jumbled up and stuff but i’m literally just typing off the top of my head. The most important thing i want to say is.

Build your prayer on the solid foundation of God’s sovereignty.

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